Parents » PTO


The K-School PTO is a non-profit group made up of parents, staff and community members. Our mission is to assist with extracurricular activities, provide programs for children (such as Family Fun Night and the Carnival) and raise funds (cookie dough sales, US Cellular contest and box top collections) to help with teacher/principal requests (field trips, books, playground equipment, computers). The money we generate stays right here in our school!

Our PTO encourages ALL parents to become involved! Your ideas, time, creativity, artistic abilities and feedback will contribute greatly to our group.

 Azalea Middle School & Kalmiopsis Elementary PTO meets the second Thursday of each month at 5pm in the Kalmiopsis Library. We welcome you and invite you to join us in helping make our school the best it can be.

To contact the PTO, please email kschool.azalea.pto @

Did you know you can place a message on our reader board? Imagine how special your student would feel seeing his/her name on our reader board wishing them a happy birthday or congratulating them on a recent achievement.