Reserve la fecha: ¡Conozca a los finalistas! Está invitado a presentaciones virtuales con los dos candidatos finalistas para el puesto de director de la escuela primaria Kalmiopsis (a partir del año académico 2021-22). Estos eventos incluirán interpretación en español.
Meet the Finalists! You are invited to virtual presentations with the two finalist candidates for the job of Kalmiopsis Elementary School Principal
Kalmiopsis students to transition to “expanded day” classes For the first time in more than a year, Kalmiopsis Elementary students will begin returning to classrooms five days a week, for a new longer “expanded day.”
Public Meeting Notice: BHSD Budget Committee Virtual meeting will take place 6 p.m. Wednesday May 5, 2021 Comments and questions can be submitted via email before or during the meeting
Familias de primaria, por favor respondan nuestra encuesta sobre el cambio de horario diario propuesto. Aporte sobre la elección del horario escolar necesario de las familias cara a cara en un cambio propuesto a horas adicionales de aprendizaje en persona desde kindergarten hasta estudiantes de quinto grado.
Elementary families, please take our survey on proposed daily schedule change Input on school schedule choice needed from face-to-pace families on a proposed shift to additional in-person learning hours for kindergarten through fifth-grade students.
English Language Learner Family Cafe Monthly meetings on parent-led topics hosted by South Coast Educational Service District (SCESD)