Parent/Teacher Conferences Nov. 3 and 4

Information for families of in-person students at Kalmiopsis Elementary School:
Parent/teacher conferences will be held from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3rd and 4th, in timeslots arranged by each classroom teacher for the parents and guardians of their students.
Most conferences will be held by virtual video conference or telephone. Some conferences may be arranged in person as needed to provide an accessible meeting format for all participants. 
Information for Online Academy families:

Dear BHOA Families,

With less than10 days left in the first quarter, it is time for parent/teacher conferences. These 15 minute conferences will be scheduled virtually, but you may request a face-to-face meeting if you prefer.

The district has set aside November 3rd from 2:00-8:00pm and November 4th from 4:00-8:00pm for conferences.  To help accommodate your schedule, I will have other times available that whole week.

During the conference, we will discuss your student’s academic progress, review their session/work logs, and confirm that you are able to review your student’s work through weekly emails, the Edgenuity/K-12 parent portal, or your student’s homepage.  

I’m looking forward to talking about what I can do to help your student succeed in BHOA!

Please contact me to schedule a time that works best for you at:

[email protected]

541-469-7679 Option 2 (Office)

541-251-8098 (Text)


Mr. Matthew H. Bennett

Brookings-Harbor Online Academy

K-12 Instructor

Brookings, OR